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Day Nine
La Mure 2 Les Molanes

Distance: 97 miles/ 156 kilometers)

Elevation: 10,265 feet / 3,129 metres


Day 9: Magical Mountains

What a fabulous dry of cycling today - the weather was spot on and the scenery was out of this world - I don't think I have ever had a day of cycling this spectacular. The pictures that I have posted tell the story and hopefully do it  justice.


The post today will be brief as the day was brutal and I need some rest. 3 mountain climbs (13km, 8km and 10km)  along with a mountain top finish to the hotel - we are all exhausted but spirits are high as we complete our journey tomorrow.


​​Chapeau Award: Cuttsy was on fire today smashing it up every climb of the day - as he is now on Charlie's bike we think there is some mechanical doping going on? Harry and Andrew also deserve praise keeping it going to the end of a very tough  day.


​DOTD: Me for booking a hotel 6km up a 7% climb (but it was that or nothing!) although the hundreds of motor bikes that passed us at high speed destroying the mountain tranquility came a close second.....


​​Beer of the Day:  Off beer again - too much wine...


​​​​Cheese and Wine Update: I think I have eaten my body weight in cheese every day - goats cheese this evening which is a first.....


​Arse Report (sponsored by Natural Little Bee Chamois Balm):

We are almost there and no big problems - thank you Natural Little Bee!​


​Weather Watch:

Good tomorrow but our arrival in Monte Carlo on Sunday could be damp.​


Dog of the day:

Good spot Tony - if anyone knows what the sign says let us know.​


We have one last day tomorrow that is going to involve our biggest climb yet of 20km over the highest road in Europe. â€‹

We will hit the Cote d'Azur tomorrow evening ready for a triumphant arrival in Monte Carlo on Sunday morning.


Night All.....​



Atmospheric morning


Today's Route


The last 6 standing


Fabulous morning clouds


Harry riding down a stunning decent


All aboard the train

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