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Day Four
Sedan 2 Toul

Distance: 99 miles/ 160 kilometres

Elevation: 4,289 feet / 1,307 metres

Day 4: Some Like It Hot

A Sunday cycle through the roads of rural France was the order of the day. As expected very few shops and cafes were open although it would have been easy to get a quick sermon in at the many churches on route that were open for business and ringing their bells.


We tried to get away as early as possible after a late breakfast opening time and made steady progress towards our first stop of the day into some strong headwinds. The temperature was steadily rising and it soon became like cycling with a hairdryer in your face!


Mario was departing for the station after lunch to return to London so we sent him on his way being part of a high speed peleton to make sure he stank out all his fellow passengers. Safe travels Mario, you have provided excellent amusement with all your mechanicals on Day 2 and your choices of wine - fantastic you will be missed.


As the temperature by the afternoon had reached 35 degrees with the wind abating, and with no Mario on the road so the chances of mechanicals had reduced, Tony decided to join us on a bike this afternoon. This is a small reward for the work he is putting to keep all the bikes tip top but was surprising considering his well known version to heat. Maybe it was just 3 days of sitting in the van or maybe 3 days of listening to Owen.​


Cuttsy, Jacob and Charlie did find a bathing spot in a local lake - we hope there health isn't affected as it was apparently quite murky - please remember this is a cycling event not a Triathlon....


I would also like to shout out to Andrew Sainsbury. He has been chugging along keeping his powder dry from the racing bucks at the front, conserving energy ready for the arduous days when the climbing gets tougher. This afternoon he joined the party and rode strongly all the way to the finish probably spurred on by the prize of a cold beer - Chapeau! (still a cyclists admiration for another rider for all you non Lycra folks!)


​DOTD: All have behaved well but for once this Blog is being drafted before midnight so there is still time..... Late entrants, Mario going home early, Me for ordering quiche for lunch and eating most of it at the first stop. I also put in an order for pate and cornichons which was a ridiculous request in France on a Sunday after 12pm. Hopefully they will be available tomorrow. Cuttsy for colliding with a car! - we all know what the outcome was and hopefully the car will be repaired sometime next week! No clear winner so a roll over......


​​Beer of the Day:  Found a week Kronenborg tonight - a change from the treacle of yesterday


​​​​Cheese and Wine Update: Cambert for lunch that is now stinking the back of the van out. Pinot Noir for dinner tonight. I will hopefully include Pate and Conichorns in future reports especially as according to Owen I had a nightmare last night and probably need to lay off the cheese!


​Arse Report (sponsored by Natural Little Bee Chamois Balm):

The days in the saddle are starting to take their toll. I will keep applying the bees wax and sure I will get through. Thank you Nicki for the professional advice for additional care in the nether regions - the team are grateful and will be following every step of your instructions!


Snore of the day:

No entrants - I think we are all so tired we will sleep through anything


Weather Watch:

We need more favorable winds and a little less heat but it is not a big complaint. Rain is our enemy that we do not want making an appearance.


Dog of the day:

We met the Bloodhound again this morning that was very spooked by bikes or just me. Sky the Spaniel/Setter we met on the road was much more friendly even to a Pole  in Lycra!  Charlie seems to be pestering every animal in France - lets hope he doesn't get reported. Thanks Tony but your photo of a dog didn't make the final as it moved and you chopped most of it's head off!


The donations keep ticking up - thanks all and keep them coming.


Until tomorrow......


Through the town gates


Felix Peleton


Hot  lunch


Room mates getting some practice in at  lunch 


Champagne Charlie


Queuing  for Sunday Service?

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