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Day Two
Calais 2 Cambrai

Distance: 101 miles/ 161 kilometres

Elevation: 4,705 feet / 1,434 metres

Day 2: Welcome to France


What an intriguing day the Cycling Gods certainly got there revenge!

Despite a late night arrival at the hotel we set off on time at 8.30’ well loaded on Croissants and coffee. My pre ride breifing to the team was the riding was easy and the weather set fair so what could possibly go wrong, let’s get to Cambrai early to recover and get ready for Tim’s leaving party….


All was going to plan when we arrived at St Omer, a Hackers old golfing venue, and coffee in the square in the sunshine was a delight. We left for the lunch stop in high spirits and that’s when things started to become a little more challenging…

No sooner did we hit the open road “not so super today” Mario swung into action. Already his bike was limping from his bike falling over in Dover damaging his rear gears, then his damaged tyres failed. Surprisingly based on yesterday the Support Team swung into action arriving on the side of the road to replace both tyres. Off we set again trying to catch the rest of the group for lunch.  Another puncture and more gear issues left Mario limping to lunch (or what was left of it!). 


The afternoon leg became even more of a challenge. Another flat for Mario, a diversion to Arras (another previous Hackers venue) to repair Mario’s gears, some rain, loads of wind and the team were scattered over Northern France!

When we finally all met up at the hotel at 7pm stories unfolded of more wind, Tim getting lost in a forest, Cuttsy and Charlie getting lost in a bar and all of us at some stage riding on a major trunk road where cycles are prohibitted. The good news was everyone was in high spirits, looking forward for the next challenge and sad to see Tim heading back to the USA tomorrow. 


​DOTD : No explanation needed "not so super today" Mario! Owen & Tony have redeemed themselves from a poor start - they certainly have earned their stripes today helping us out when in trouble!


Beer of the Day:  Upgraded today - we stopped at a village brewery today near the end of the ride and they only served 7% L'estoupette  beer brewed on the premises. Fortunately not far to go to the hotel.


​​​​Cheese and Wine Update:

Gouda slices bought from a French supermarket was a poor start - will seek some drastic improvements....​

A cheeky Bordeaux to wash down a well needed supper.


​Arse Report (sponsored by Natural Little Bee Chamois Balm):

Still good for me but Ollie is showing some tell tale signs and seems to walking like a cowboy but doesn't seem to stop him tucking into raw burgers and desserts - lets wish him luck over the coming days.


Snore of the day (a new feature where the team record the worst offender of the night):

Ollie took this award (thanks Charlie for the video) but I think this contest will have some strong competition going forward.​


Weather Watch:

Why bother - wasn't meant to rain today and was wet all afternoon.​


Thanks for all the donations that have come in today - it really inspires us to keep pedaling whatever challenge is put before us


Good Night Folks......


The Peleton


Lunch is served


"Not so Super Today" Mario fixing his bike again!


Au revoir Tim safe travels back to the US 

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