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Day Six
Luxeuil-les-Bains 2 Pontarlier 

Distance: 96.6 miles/ 161 kilometers)

Elevation: 5,868 feet / 1,788 metres

(For the record Harry did 100 miles........)

Day 6: On The Way Up

​We planned to set off early this morning as the route involved more climbing as we headed towards the Swiss border. Unfortunately our plans were scuppered due to Jacob with a chain issue, Man with a flat and Cuttsy getting lost in town! The support van was quickly in attendance and Owen, as head of health and safety,  quickly deployed his warning triangle albeit 10 yards behind the van so not even a child on a tricycle couldn't have stopped in time before ploughing into us!


By the the time we got properly going we were nearly 45 minutes behind schedule but some​ strong riding on the front towed our group to the 1st stop back on schedule. We did have time to cool down at a local fountain where we bumped into Christian a friend of the ride.


As we have had more climbs today we have introduced a tour playlist that we can listen to as we make our ascent. Favourites include "running up that hill", "highway to hell" and  " bicycle race". Requests are played on application.


Unfortunately today we got caught in a thunderstorm for the first time. The temperature dropped from a sultry 35 degrees to a chilly 16 degrees with hail hitting our faces. Typically it was as we crossed an exposed plain with no cover at all unless we kicked the cows out from under the only tree available.


All the team are still riding strong and, although we are all tired, we a completing all days earlier than ever (5.30pm today) which is fantastic news as days are getting tougher. The scenery keeps getting better and better as we are close to the Swiss  border, The cows now have bells and Harry is eyeing up the chocolate.


 â€‹Chapeau Award:  Charlie has been consistently the strongest rider so far despite an ageing bike that Tony has had to patch together. He allegedly had tired legs today so the peleton went on the attack but he managed to cover the move and roll into to town first - Chapeau.​


​DOTD: Harry led the charge today riding the wrong way out of the first stop. Unfortunately, I might have to claim the award for telling everyone the hotel had a swimming pool tonight only to find it is the worst place we have stayed  and is on an industrial estate.


​​Beer of the Day:  At last a weak Heineken that is perfect after a day in the saddle.


​​​​Cheese and Wine Update: We are eating like kings at the stops with all our favorites on offer. There is a bottle of red in the van that might get cracked open at some stage....


​Arse Report (sponsored by Natural Little Bee Chamois Balm):

Ollie and I are fully recovered but Cuttsy has now contracted this debilitating disease. Wish him well as he has a lot at stake!


​Weather Watch:

Today had it's moment of rain but tomorrow could be the real deal. We have had thunderstorms as I typed, with more possibly tomorrow - fingers crossed


Dog of the day:

Nice little pouch spotted by Dominik today.


Keep the donations coming - this is going to be a big one!


Until tomorrow......


Today's Route


Mechanical's on the way out of town


Cool off time


Hi Christian, thanks for dropping by


Jakub taking a well earned break!


Feeling strong!

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