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Day Three
Cambrai 2 Sedan

Distance: 101 miles/ 161 kilometres

Elevation: 3,740feet / 1,140 metres

Day 3: Allez Allez Allez


After the challenges of yesterday there were no dramas on today’s ride as we made our way to Sedan. 
We  set off a little late, it was dry but with a little chill in the air,  all feeling a little jaded after a tough day yesterday topped up with the excesses of Tim’s leaving party the night before! It was sad as we  said our goodbyes to our American as he headed for the train station. 


We reached the first stop in quick time and then what became our major obstacle of the day  appeared unexpectedly  out of no where - HEAT.  The temperatures rose throughout the day and was well  above 30 degrees by the afternoon. We caught the support team out as water supplies ran short at the end of the day as we tried to keep hydrated with few shops or cafes in rural France to help us out.  The terrain all day was rolling hills, not quite as flat as the profiles suggested.  


We had less mechanical issues today -  Charlie needed a new gear cable, Mario even helped out fixing Cuttsy's sticky break with a credit card which usually only works when you wave it at a mechanic in a bike shop! Tony is doing a great job keeping us rolling and we look forward to him joining us on a bike next week.


I would also like to shout out to Man Cheung. He is the only novice distant cyclist on the trip but has smashed every day even though he is wearing full fingered gloves in such warm temperatures. Keep it up Man - Chapeau! (that is cyclists admiration for another rider for all you non Lycra folks!)


Great point for Brighton today at the Emirates - listening to the commentary today helped the miles pass quickly and prompted my new Seagulls cycling celebration!


DOTD: Cuttsy secured the award today. Having to cycle back 5k after leaving his mobile phone in a town square was enough for him to triumph. I was a close second today after leaving my luggage outside the hotel and not on the van and setting off on the days ride - in my defense that is surely what our support team should be there for….


​​Beer of the Day:  Are there any beers in this part of the world less than 7%? Fagnes was a 7.5% cheeky little number that made the last few kilometers into town seem  like a long way!


​​​​Cheese and Wine Update:

Wine today was a  cheeky Pinot Noir but cheese unlikely to improve from a lunchtime Gouda slice because as I type we have been in a restaurant for an hour and a half with no food so unless I want cheese at midnight I might skip it! Late update  to my surprise a fine plate of french cheese turned up - no idea what they were but we are all so hungry we will eat anything.


​Arse Report (sponsored by Natural Little Bee Chamois Balm):

I am in fine fettle at the moment and am trying to nurse Ollie back to good health with all available lubricants.


Snore of the day:

Owen took that award today. My earbuds had to come out in the early hours of the morning to get me back to sleep


Weather Watch:

Again what is the point it never does what the forecast suggests. Let’s hope tomorrow works the same as we could be riding into a headwind for most of the day. ​​


Dog of the day (another new feature!):

The team seem to be falling in love and taking pictures of the local canines on the route. Many appear quite ferocious but others quite cute. A picture below will go to the best in class for each day.


Keep the donations coming  or I will stop this blog. Alternatively if you don't enjoy it donate and I will also stop!


Good Night Folks......


Dominik on the foam roller


It most certainly wasn't!


Fixing a bike with a credit card


Dead or alive?


Up The Albion!

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